Wednesday 9 May 2012

Photography Part I: Angkor Wat

Today, once again I am taking you all to cherish the profound beauty and mystic tranquillity of   'Khmer Splendour' in Cambodia- Angkor Wat.

The wondrous temples of Angkor are  one of  the most astonishing, magnificent and enduring architectural achievements of mankind, built by Khmer civilisation between 802 and 1220 AD.

As the best-preserved temple at the site, Angkor Wat is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation- first Hindu, then Buddhist. The temple epitomise the high classical style of Khmer art and architecture, is world's largest single religious monument. 

Angkor Wat has become the symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag and is one of the prime attraction in South East Asia.

    This exceptional monument built during the early years of the 12th century by the Khmer Emperior Suryavarman II, dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu and is a symbolic representation of ancient Hindu cosmology.

    Built over a period of 400 years by a number of different rulers and covering an area of more than 400 sq km, the temple complex of Angkor Wat was only rediscovered 150 years ago.

    The magical ruins of Angkor are located amidst dense forests and  lash green farmland, near modern day Siem Reap city in Cambodia . These finest masterpieces are a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE Site.

    Many of the temples at Angkor complex have been restored, and together they comprise the most significant site of Khmer architecture .

    This is another short post and my humble attempt to explore the glory of this marvellous piece of art.

    Many more to come as it is impossible to over the beauty of this splendid location in a few posts. 

    Please visit my other posts on Angkor Wat-Cambodia  here and here .

    All pictures are photographed by me. Please, do not reuse them in any form without my written permission. Thanks.



    Disha Mishra Dubey said...

    Amazing images!! Hats off to your photography skills. Just wow!!!

    Sanghamitra Bhattacherjee(Mukherjee) said...

    Thanks so much for your lovely words Disha! Hope to see you here more often. Have a great week ahead:)

    Jeanne said...

    These are amazing photos, and love the perspective that you have captured on these! very nice!

    Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

    Your photos are just fascinating! So nice to know you came by my place!

    barbara l. hale said...

    Wonderful photography! What an interesting place! Thanks so much for your visit to my blog.

    Tillariina said...

    Love you photos!:) Interesting places, colours and atmosphere! See you soon! :)

    Riitta Sinikka said...

    Hello! Thank`s for visiting my blog! You have so beautiful blog and lovely photos! Now i am following your blog.Welcome to follow my blog. Have a nice day!

    Eko said...

    Great description - old historic and valuable design.
    I watched and admired.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Springtime greetings from Eco
    Finland / Lapland / Kuusamo

    Tina´s PicStory said...

    great bw serie! thanks for stopping by :)

    Pieni Lintu said...

    Lovely images!

    Suburban Girl said...

    Now THAT'S history! You are fortunate to be able to see so much.

    Unknown said...

    So beautiful old art and stone carvings, there is much history in those walls.
    It's so fascinating to see pictures and blogs from other continents.

    Good Thursday to you, hugs from Norway Marit.

    ✿France✿ said...

    BONJOUR ELLES SONT SPLENDIDES TES PHOTOS je repasse te voir dans la journée

    :.tossan® said...

    Wonderful photographs, neat and modern and creative. Congratulations

    Anonymous said...

    Lovely pictures,your blog is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for visit in my blog and leaving comment!

    Leovi said...

    Excellent composition with a wonderful texture.

    Ingrid Andrea said...

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment! And bacause of your visit, I found your blog:) I like it very much, interesting, beautiful and so inspiring!

    Greetings from Ingrid Andrea, Norway

    Unknown said...

    Mulţumesc pentru invitaţie. Am venit cu plăcere să admir frumuseţile indiene. Şi mie mi-a plăcut tot ce am văzut aici.
    Să ai o seară liniştită.

    Eu scriu în limba română.

    Precizarea este pentru a se putea utiliza translatorul google. Mulţumesc.

    magda said...

    Welcome to my blog an many thanks for your visit and so kind comment!
    Your photos are wonderful and the informations very interesting!!!
    Many greetings

    Josephine said...

    Prachtige fotografie, en heel interressante informatie.

    Bedankt voor je bezoekje op mijn blog en de lieve complimenten die je er geschreven hebt.....


    Marlis said...

    you have so much talent in photography. I love seeing the images of things through your eyes.. so beautiful. xo marlis

    Jacqueline said...

    Just beautiful! The carving work is amazing and you have captured it so beautifully. I love the angles you used. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Entertaining Women said...

    Beautiful architectural photography...thanks for inviting us along on the journey. Cherry Kay

    Stefano Davanzo said...

    Hi here I am, I like your blog! thanks for your visit and comment in my one... I start to follow you right now! :)


    dona said...

    Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. You're a superb photographer!

    Lisa Gordon said...

    This is a wonderful series of images. I love the fantastic textures and tones!
    Have a fantastic weekend!

    ZielonaMila said...

    Fine taking, interesting history, very much I like to frequent such monuments and to listen about them to the story. I am greeting

    red said...

    Hi Sanghamitra,
    it's really beautiful here! I like your vision of things, of beauty itself. Thank you for finding me!

    Un caro saluto

    Nancy said...

    Love the close up shots! Beautiful!

    FABBY'S LIVING said...

    Fabulous! Such amazing photography of Cambodia, such exotic place, Ecuador is not exotic at all when you see this!! Thank you for your lovely and generous visit sweet girl, I love it when you do. Enjoy a happy Mother's Day!

    Anonymous said...

    Impresionante trabajo el que has realizado...una gran muestra de arte!
    Arte que llega al alma...
    Un abrazo!

    Alycia Nichols said...

    Wow...such fantastic artistry! You captured it all so well!!! You really do see things in a very creative way! I really like looking through "your eyes." Have a wonderful week!!!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    really superb clicks....lov thm all

    sandhyaa said...

    Beautifully played with angles. interesting !

    Deb @ indiapiedaterre said...

    What photo "skillz"! I love the angles you chose. We also visited Angkor Wat and I was obsessed with photographing those columns in the windows and the apsaras. You chose some angles for the columns I never thought of! Isn't Angkor Wat the most awe-inspiring place ...

    Filipa said...

    MAkes me wanna visit it...

    Our photos said...

    Beautiful are your photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

    EricaSta said...

    Great Story and wonderful shots.

    Greetings by Heidrun from Bavaria


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