Friday 21 November 2014

Home : Easy and accessible

Home is ultimately where 'happiness' happens.

A glimpse of
This is how 
I see 
 life and beauty.

I tend to collect accent 
that I cherish,
then play around it,
until it works.

 Huge open windows,
sun-kissed rooms,
white walls,
an open plan living,
fresh flowers and plants
makes me happy
and most importantly
small touches to give the space
personality and charm.
Here's my two cents
a well curated home can be easy too :)

Please, do share your thoughts :)

All images: @ My Home
Images : Mine and subject to copyright

All Rights Reserved 



  1. Hello, Sanghamitra! It's wonderful to see your beautiful, colorful post!

    I agree with you that small touches go a long way in lending charm and personality to a home. It's those small touches that tell the story of who lives there. I, too, love huge open windows to let the sun in all year round. It helps, particularly during our harsh winters here, to keep from feeling boxed in. It's like bringing nature in...while still keeping it comfortably at bay! :-)

    Here in the U.S. we are all scurrying about preparing for Thanksgiving Day on Thursday. It is unusually cold here pretty much throughout the nation. I know you travel, but I don't know if you've ever seen 6 feet of snow all piled up at once!!! One area of the country got just that, and they are in dire straits. As the snow is starting to melt (rain is moving in along with above freezing temperatures during the day), they are now faced with serious flooding issues. It's a horrible mess. I am so glad it is not affecting us here in the middle part of the country, but I feel sorry for those who are trapped in their homes, those with no heat due to power outages, and those who have lost their lives in this catastrophe. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a happy time of year to spend with family. For those people, it will not be that way this year. :-(

    Other than that, it's business as usual here in America! I hope you are enjoying this time of year and staying safe! Take care!!!

  2. Hello Alycia,
    It's always wonderful to see you on my little space. After I L-O-N-G hibernation I'm back to blogland and it feels amazing to talk to friends like you. Thanks for your beautiful words and I totally agree with you...the small touches makes all the our homes and as well as in lives.

    I have heard that in the US winter has arrived early this year. My husband travels quite a often to your beautiful country and again he is going to visit during this winter, so I'm a little worried.

    Here, wishing you and your family very happy Thanksgiving Day.


  3. Oh!! You are back. Welcome again to blogsfera. I also was out of blogging for three months because of the illness of my brother

  4. Thanks Ana for stopping by.Welcome back! Hope your brother is doing well now.



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