Monday 30 September 2013

DIY : Kantha Stitch on Block Print

'Kantha and block print'
makes me go weak at my knees..-;)

I just love to punch them together
and the magic is twofold .

Here is my latest project
on old re-purposed
 coral red 
Indian block printed fabric.

You may check my other Kantha work here
on tusser silk.

Trying my hand on this beautiful art ,
more to come soon on this little space
Stay tuned...-;)

Pictures are mine and subject to copyright.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Home...Love...Life...and...Thoughts :)

A beautiful sunny morning in Singapore. :)

Yes,TODAY is the day

 which may not come again.

"Today will Never come again.
Be a blessing.
Be a friend.
Encourage someone.
Take time to care.
Let your words heal
and not wound."

Are you ready 
to celebrate the day 
with enthusiasm... :)

Sunny side up...
Before the weekend
A few happy shots from home..:)
Japanese minimalism
Blue blossom tea set 
and Kokeshi doll.

Accents from Far East
Assorted Japanese pottery
and Terracotta warrior from Xian, China 
Contemporary living 
Asian style..

A design blog doesn't mean just about 'pretty pictures'.

It is about love,
about life,
about home.
Your home...our homes...

Home is where love never ends

and memories are created.

Have a great weekend folks :)

All pictures are mine and subject to copyright.